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Ignore Failed Attempts

Posted: 14. Mar 2017, 22:17
by ctearney
Is it possible to configure the PM3 Fix package/distribution to ignore the "maximum number of failed installation attempts" that is set within the Agent config? The reason I ask is that if a client runs the PM3 Fix distribution and fails after the 3 agent allocated attempts it does not try again on its own (at least that's what we see).

The PM3 fix distribution is broke for that system and in order to resolve a manual run of it must be done (swdepot) or a reinstall/push action taken from the EMC. I recall with the PM2 distributions that they would keep running regardless of the failed attempts.

Re: Ignore Failed Attempts

Posted: 20. Mar 2017, 20:32
by ctearney
I found this in the documentation: Rollout Termination.

RollOut Termination

Specifies the number of possible failed attempts before an installation is aborted. If Error count corresponds to max. Error count, the distribution command is removed from the *.ddc file(s).
1.Select the menu Tools > RollOut Termination... or click the toolbar icon.

I wonder if this overrides the "maximum number of failed installation attempts" that is set in the Agent configuration?

Re: Ignore Failed Attempts

Posted: 20. Mar 2017, 21:01
by Frank Dethlefsen

RollOut Termination (old) und Agent-Config > Failed Installations Attempts (new) are different features.
The simplest solution is, disable the Agent-Config > Failed Installations Attempts feature.
At the time of PM2, there was not the feature "Agent-Config > Failed Installations Attempts" yet.

Best regards

Re: Ignore Failed Attempts

Posted: 24. Mar 2017, 15:30
by ctearney
I will have to weigh the pros and cons on that change. On the up side it will help to keep the clients patched but may introduce challenges for software packages that fail. I guess I have to make my packages better then :mrgreen: