Fehler beim AgentUpdate

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Fehler beim AgentUpdate

Post by Robert_IWS » 02. Jun 2022, 15:00

Hallo zusammen,
vielleicht hat jemand zu nachfolgendem Thema eine Idee / Lösung:

aktuell daten wir den Agent auf Version 2203.1.2 up.
Bei einigen Rechnern gibt es einen Fehler der eine korrekte Installation des Agenten verhindert.
Dasselbe passiert in unserer Installationsstrecke bei Laptops, dazu muss man sagen das ich erst den Agenten mittels msi installiere (Angabe Server und BN/PW), dann wird SW installiert und im Anschluss der Agent nochmal geupdated.
Das entsprechende Log (AgentUpdateLog aus programdata) gibt folgendes als Fehler im Step "install and finalize" aus:

2022-06-02 12:46:54,664 {7316 [1]} INFO M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - Updater process Matrix42UEMAgentUpdate started - second step: install and finalize
2022-06-02 12:46:54,673 {7316 [1]} INFO M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - Parameters:
2022-06-02 12:46:54,692 {7316 [1]} INFO M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - No other updater instance running - continue with work
2022-06-02 12:46:54,702 {7316 [1]} INFO M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - Current user NT-AUTORITÄT\SYSTEM has elevated rights and therefore update process has sufficient rights
2022-06-02 12:46:54,724 {7316 [1]} INFO M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - Try to install agent via start process "cmd" /c start /B "" "C:\EmpirumAgent\User\setup.exe" "C:\EmpirumAgent\Packages\Matrix42\UEM Agent Windows\2203.1.2\Install\Setup.inf" /S /X8 /N /E"C:\windows\TEMP\UEMAgentInstall_20220602_124649.log" /B"C:\windows\TEMP\UEMAgentInstall_20220602_124649_Debug.log"
2022-06-02 12:46:55,469 {7316 [1]} INFO M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - Searching for processes with name setup: 1 found!
2022-06-02 12:46:55,625 {7316 [1]} INFO M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - Observe process Setup (PID 3120) - command line: "C:\EmpirumAgent\User\setup.exe" "C:\EmpirumAgent\Packages\Matrix42\UEM Agent Windows\2203.1.2\Install\Setup.inf" /S /X8 /N /E"C:\windows\TEMP\UEMAgentInstall_20220602_124649.log" /B"C:\windows\TEMP\UEMAgentInstall_20220602_124649_Debug.log"
2022-06-02 12:47:22,590 {7316 [7]} INFO M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - Process Setup (PID 3120) has finished.
2022-06-02 12:47:22,605 {7316 [1]} INFO M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - Raw file name: %Temp%\%V_UAF_MSI_PATH%\MSI_UAF_%ProductName%.%Version%.%Revision%.log
2022-06-02 12:47:22,612 {7316 [1]} INFO M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - Trying to use file: C:\windows\TEMP\Matrix42\Matrix42UniversalAgentFramework\MSI_UAF_UEM Agent Windows.2203.1.2.0.log
2022-06-02 12:47:22,620 {7316 [1]} INFO M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - Found in C:\EmpirumAgent\Packages\Matrix42\UEM Agent Windows\2203.1.2\Install\Setup.inf:
ProductName=UEM Agent Windows
V_UAF_LOG (fully expanded)=C:\windows\TEMP\Matrix42\Matrix42UniversalAgentFramework\MSI_UAF_UEM Agent Windows.2203.1.2.0.log

2022-06-02 12:47:22,626 {7316 [1]} ERROR M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - Log file C:\windows\TEMP\Matrix42\Matrix42UniversalAgentFramework\MSI_UAF_UEM Agent Windows.2203.1.2.0.log DOES NOT EXISTS!
2022-06-02 12:47:22,634 {7316 [1]} WARN M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - Install process returned a non-zero result code -1 - ASSUME FAILURE!
2022-06-02 12:47:22,640 {7316 [1]} ERROR M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - Installation of update finished with problems (elapsed time: 27.917ms)
2022-06-02 12:47:22,646 {7316 [1]} INFO M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - Installation of update successfully finished successfully (elapsed time: 27.923ms)
2022-06-02 12:47:22,714 {7316 [1]} INFO M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - Service MATRIX42UAF already terminated - nothing to do!
2022-06-02 12:47:22,725 {7316 [1]} INFO M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - All processes have terminated!
2022-06-02 12:47:22,744 {7316 [1]} INFO M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - XML agent config restored to file: "C:\Program Files\Matrix42\Universal Agent Framework\AgentConfig.xml".
2022-06-02 12:47:27,875 {7316 [1]} INFO M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - Imported registry from file "C:\windows\TEMP\Matrix42UEMAgentUpdate_20220602_124643\HKLM_Software_Matrix42_Agent.reg" successfully!
2022-06-02 12:47:29,132 {7316 [1]} INFO M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - Imported registry from file "C:\windows\TEMP\Matrix42UEMAgentUpdate_20220602_124643\HKLM_Software_Matrix42_RebootPackagesPending.reg" successfully!
2022-06-02 12:47:29,640 {7316 [1]} INFO M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - Imported registry from file "C:\windows\TEMP\Matrix42UEMAgentUpdate_20220602_124643\HKLM_Software_Matrix42_Software Depot.reg" successfully!
2022-06-02 12:47:29,652 {7316 [1]} INFO M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - Disable suspend mode for agent via registry value "SuspendUntil" in key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Matrix42\Agent"
2022-06-02 12:47:29,666 {7316 [1]} INFO M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - All "session 0" processes have terminated!
2022-06-02 12:47:29,683 {7316 [1]} ERROR M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - Service "Matrix42UAF" does NOT EXIST!
2022-06-02 12:47:29,691 {7316 [1]} INFO M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - Clean up temp storage folder "C:\windows\TEMP\Matrix42UEMAgentUpdate_20220602_124643"
2022-06-02 12:47:29,707 {7316 [1]} INFO M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - Clean up registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Matrix42\UEMAgentUpdate"
2022-06-02 12:47:29,716 {7316 [1]} INFO M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - Remove updater temp storage registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Matrix42\UEMAgentUpdate"!
2022-06-02 12:47:29,726 {7316 [1]} ERROR M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - Finalization of update finished with problems (elapsed time: 7.070ms)
2022-06-02 12:47:29,734 {7316 [1]} ERROR M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - Finalizing the installation failed! TERMINATING UPDATER!
2022-06-02 12:47:29,742 {7316 [1]} INFO M42UEMAgentUpdate.M42UEMAgentUpdate - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hat jemand eine Idee / Erfahrungen dazu?

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