"Mistral Large", GPT-4 oder Google Gemini - welches ist das Beste?

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"Mistral Large", GPT-4 oder Google Gemini - welches ist das Beste?

Post by Theo_Gottwald » 27. Feb 2024, 12:58

🎉 Ich habe heute Zugriff auf das brandneue Mistral Large Modell bekommen! 🚀
Es ist ein direkter Konkurrent zum GPT-4 Modell von OpenAI. 💪

Der Smart Package Robot unterstützt alle Mistral Modelle und aber auch alle Modelle von Open AI - also GPT 4 - im Skript, also musste ich es gleich ausprobieren. Und was soll ich sagen?

Das neue Mistral Large Modell ist definitiv schneller als GPT-4 und die Antworten im Skriptbereich sind meiner Meinung nach auch besser oder mindestens gleich gut.

🚀 Ich habe zum Vergleich auch das neue Gemini Modell von Google getestet und bin enttäuscht. 🤔 Es scheint bei unseren Scripting-Aufgaben nicht gut zu funktionieren. 📈

🤖 Das Mistral-Large Modell:
- kennt viele Robotinstruktionen und gibt korrekte Funktionen für Befehle an.
- Es kann auch aufgrund der Logik herausfinden, was der Befehl macht.
- Natürlich kennt es noch nicht die ganz neuen Befehle von diesem Jahr. 📅
- Trotzdem gibt es erstaunlich gute Antworten, auch aufgrund von Schlussfolgerungen.

💻 GPT-4 von OpenAI:
- ist das Ausgabeformat noch besser optimiert als bei Mistral.
- Es kann in verschiedenen Formaten ausgeben, z.B. für das SMF-Forum oder Twitter mit Emojis. 🤔
- Allerdings scheint GPT-4 etwas weniger über die Skriptsprache zu wissen und ist bei den Antworten unsicherer.
- Es versucht zwar, die Befehle zu schließen, kommt aber nicht ganz an die Mistral-Modelle heran, die mehr über die Skriptsprache wissen.

Ich denke, dass man sagen kann, dass MISTRAL mit dem neuen LARGE Modell eine interessante Alternative zu GPT-4 herausgebracht hat, die sicherlich preislich noch günstiger ist und die auch schneller Antworten generiert.

Für Vollständigkeit ist es wichtig zu erwähnen, dass das Mistral-Large-Modell derzeit nicht über die multimedialen Fähigkeiten von GPT-4-Vision verfügt. Es kann keine Bilder analysieren und hat wahrscheinlich auch keinen Code-Analyser für Daten. Es fehlt also noch die ganze Plug-In-Schnittstelle, die es GPT-4 ermöglicht, Python-Skripte auszuführen. Trotzdem ist es eine interessante und schnelle Alternative, die weit besser ist als das, was Google bisher geliefert hat. #MistralLarge #GPT4Vision #PlugInSchnittstelle #PythonSkripte #Google

Für beide Modelle ist die Skriptsprache des Package-Robots etwas problematisch, da das doppelte Dollarzeichen für Variablen verwendet wird. Beide Modelle verwenden diese Zeichen jedoch für den Aufruf von Latex-Formeln.
Daher muss man bei der Formatierung darauf achten, z.B. im Format für ein Forum "as Code" anzugeben, um Fehlformatierungen zu vermeiden. 📝

Hier ein Beispiel:

This script appears to be written for use with Smart Package Robot, a tool for automating tasks in Windows. Here's a breakdown of the code:

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1. `:Chat_Unicode` is a label that defines the starting point of a subroutine. When this subroutine is called, the following code will be executed:
	* `IVV.$$AIX=1` sets the value of the internal variable `$$AIX` to 1.
	* If `$$AIX` is equal to 1, the following actions are performed:
		+ Set the top margin of the chat window to 0.85 using `AIC.Set Top P|0.85`.
		+ Set the temperature of the AI model to 0.9 using `AIC.Set Temperature|0.9`.
		+ Set the AI model to "Chat" using `AIC.SetModel Chat|5`.
		+ Ask the AI model a question and store the result in `$$PRO` and `$$RES` using `AIC.Ask Chat Unicode|$$PRO|$$RES`.
	* If `$$AIX` is not equal to 1, the following actions are performed:
		+ Set the AI model to "mistral-tiny" using `AIM.SetModel|mistral-tiny`.
		+ Send the text in `$$PRO` to the AI model and store the result in `$$RES` using `AIM.Asc|$$PRO|$$RES`.
	* `AIC.Get Raw Output|$$RAW` gets the raw output from the AI model and stores it in `$$RAW`.
	* `DBP.$$RAW` displays the raw output in a message box.
	* `GSB.Keep_Clp` keeps the current clipboard contents.
	* `RET.` returns control to the calling routine or ends the script if no routine called it.
2. `:Chat_Unicode_Sub` is another label that defines a subroutine. When this subroutine is called, the following code will be executed:
	* `GSB.Chat_Unicode` changes the background color of the screen to indicate that the AI chat is active.
	* `UTA.$$RES` translates the text in `$$RES` using the Microsoft Translator API.
	* `DBP.$$RES` displays the translated text in a message box.
	* `GSB.LoButton` changes the background color of the screen back to its original color, indicating that the AI chat is no longer active.
	* `RET.` returns control to the calling routine or ends the script if no routine called it.
3. `:Do_ArtistB` is another label that defines a subroutine. When this subroutine is called, the following code will be executed:
	* `GSB.RhymeX` changes the background color of the screen to indicate that the rhyme function is active.
	* `GSB.Chat_Unicode_Sub` calls the `Chat_Unicode_Sub` subroutine.
	* `RET.` returns control to the calling routine or ends the script if no routine called it.
4. `:Do_ArtistA` is another label that defines a subroutine. When this subroutine is called, the following code will be executed:
	* `GSB.HiButton` changes the background color of the screen to indicate that a button is being pressed.
	* `GSB.CatchClip` stores the current clipboard contents in a temporary variable.
	* `GSB.Keep_Clp` keeps the current clipboard contents.
	* `RET.` returns control to the calling routine or ends the script if no routine called it.
5. `:SaveClipText` is another label that defines a subroutine. When this subroutine is called, the following code will be executed:
	* `$$NUA=§§_01` assigns the value of the internal variable `§§_01` to the user variable `$$NUA`.
	* `CAL.$$BNC=$$TIA+$$NUA-1` calculates the value of `$$BNC` by adding the value of `$$NUA` to the value of `$$TIA` and subtracting 1.
	* If a button (represented by `$$BME`) is pressed using `IVS.$$BME=P!`, the following actions are performed:
		+ Store the current text in the clipboard to the user variable `$$NUA` using `CLB.Store Text|$$NUA`.
		+ Display a message box with the text "Saved to $$NUA" using `SBT.Saved to $$NUA`.
		+ Set the text of a button (represented by `$$REA`) to "sBt|$$BNC|T$$BNC OK!" using `PIS.$$REA|sBt|$$BNC|T$$BNC OK!`.
		+ Change the background color of the screen to yellow using `GSB.Hellgelb`.
	* If the button is not pressed, restore the text stored in the user variable `$$NUA` to the clipboard using `CLB.RestoreText|$$NUA`.
	* Display a message box with the text "Restored from $$NUA" using `SBT.Restored from $$NUA`.
	* Move the mouse cursor to the coordinates (560, 2) and (860, 2) using `MSB.560|2` and `MSB.860|2`, respectively.
	* `RET.` returns control to the calling routine or ends the script if no routine called it.
6. `:SaveClipPic` is another label that defines a subroutine. When this subroutine is called, the following code will be executed:
	* `$$NUA=§§_01` assigns the value of the internal variable `§§_01` to the user variable `$$NUA`.
	* If a button (represented by `$$BME`) is pressed using `IVS.$$BME=P!`, the following actions are performed:
		+ Store the current image in the clipboard to the user variable `$$NUA` using `CLB.Store Image|$$NUA`.
		+ Display a message box with the text "Saved to $$NUA" using `SBT.Saved to $$NUA`.
		+ Set the text of a button (represented by `$$REA`) to "sBt|$$BNU|T$$NUA OK!" using `PIS.$$REA|sBt|$$BNU|T$$NUA OK!`.
		+ Change the background color of the screen to red using `GSB.HellgelbRed`.
		+ Show the stored image using `CLB.Show Image`.
	* If the button is not pressed, restore the image stored in the user variable `$$NUA` to the clipboard using `CLB.Restore Image|$$NUA`.
	* Display a message box with the text "Restored from $$NUA" using `SBT.Restored from $$NUA`.
	* Show the restored image using `CLB.Show Image`.
	* `$$PIC=$$000` assigns the value of the internal variable `$$000` to the user variable `$$PIC`.
	* `PAU.1` pauses the script for 1 second.
	* `CLW.$$PIC` clears the window using the value stored in `$$PIC`.
	* Move the mouse cursor to the coordinates (560, 2) and (860, 2) using `MSB.560|2` and `MSB.860|2`, respectively.
	* `RET.` returns control to the calling routine or ends the script if no routine called it.
In summary, this script defines several subroutines that can be used to interact with an AI chat model, save and restore text and images to and from the clipboard, and translate text using the Microsoft Translator API. The script uses various commands to change the background color of the screen, display message boxes, move the mouse cursor, and clear the window. The script also includes comments and labels to make it easier to understand and modify.
Antwort GPT-4:
This script appears to be for a Smart Package Robot (SPR) system, designed to perform various tasks such as setting parameters, processing chat inputs, managing the clipboard, and saving text and images. The script uses conditional logic (IF-ELSE structures), subroutine calls (GSB), and variable assignments to control the SPR's behavior. Below, the code is dissected and explained for clarity, formatted for easy posting in SMF Forum syntax.

Smart Package Robot Script Explanation

Main Chat Unicode Routine:

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initiates the main chat routine.

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: Possibly a conditional check or initialization setting.

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AIC.Set Top P|0.85
: Sets the "Top P" parameter of the AIC module to 0.85.

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AIC.Set Temperature|0.9
: Sets the "Temperature" parameter of the AIC module to 0.9.

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AIC.SetModel Chat|5
: Sets the model for the chat to version 5.

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AIC.Ask Chat Unicode|$$PRO|$$RES
: Sends a request to the AIC module with input $$PRO and stores the response in $$RES.

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indicates an else condition for a different set of instructions:

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: Sets the model for the AIM module to "mistral-tiny".

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: Sends a request to the AIM module with input $$PRO and stores the response in $$RES.

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: Marks the end of the IF-ELSE condition.

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AIC.Get Raw Output|$$RAW
: Retrieves raw output from the AIC module and stores it in $$RAW.

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: Debug or display the raw output.

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: Calls a subroutine to keep the clipboard content.

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'AIC.Show Error
: Comments out a line that might show an error from AIC.

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: Return from the subroutine.

Chat Unicode Subroutine:

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is called within the script to further process or display the result.
- Utilizes the same pattern of calling subroutines, updating, and displaying results.

Artist Routines:

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are routines designed to perform specific tasks related to "artists", likely involving text or data manipulation and interaction with user interface elements.

Clipboard Management:

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manage saving and restoring text and images to/from the clipboard.
- These sections include conditional logic to check the state and perform the appropriate clipboard operation.

Key Points to Note:
- The script is highly modular, using subroutines (GSB) for specific tasks.
- Variables such as $$PRO, $$RES, $$RAW, and $$NUA are used to store and manipulate data.
- Conditional checks (IVV, IVS) and operations (AIC, AIM, CLB, SBT, PIS) suggest a complex interaction with an AI module, user inputs, and the system clipboard.
- Comments (' or REM) are used to explain or disable lines of code, indicating areas for error handling or future use.

This explanation provides a structured overview of the script's functionality, focusing on the Smart Package Robot's ability to interact with AI chat models, manage clipboard data, and perform conditional operations based on the system's state and user inputs.
#Mistral #GPT4 #Robotinstruktionen #Skriptsprache #Formatierung #Latex #PackageRobot #Fehlformatierungen #Emojis #Twitter #SMFForum #AI #MistralLarge #GPT4 #SmartPackageRobot 🤖 👌

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