Its done. ChatGPT 4 (BING) kann nun Matrix42 Package Robot Scripts lesen und erklären

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Its done. ChatGPT 4 (BING) kann nun Matrix42 Package Robot Scripts lesen und erklären

Post by Theo_Gottwald » 06. Apr 2023, 19:26

Wer sich BING/EDGE installiert hat und so auf XhatGPT 4 zugreifen kann, der kann wundersames erleben.

BING erklärt nun - und zwar RICHTIG - wie ein MPR-Skript funktioniert.
Oder anders gesagt, wer ein MPR - Skript nicht versteht, kann es nun einfach BING geben und BING erklärt es.

Here is a sample Script from the Forum:
' $ev4$ is the path where the compiled EXE is located.
' The NFF\ command looks for files with this specification in the specified path
MBX\I could not find an ".txt" File!$crlf$Script ends.
GOTO enx
EFF\ ' Here we do the REPLACE
Thank you for sharing a sample script from the forum. I can see that this script is using some commands that I have not mentioned before. Let me try to explain what this script does:

The command VAR$$PAT=$ev4$ creates a variable called $$PAT and assigns it the value of $ev4$, which is a system variable that contains the path where the compiled EXE is located. This variable will be used later to search for files in that path.
The command NFF$$PAT|*.txt searches for files with the extension .txt in the path specified by $$PAT. If no files are found, it displays a message box with the text “I could not find an “.txt” File! Script ends.” and jumps to the label enx using the GOTO command. This ends the script execution.
The command EFF\ marks the end of the file search loop. If one or more files are found, the script continues to the next command.
The command VAR$$FIL=$v1$ creates another variable called $$FIL and assigns it the value of $v1$, which is a system variable that contains the name of the first file found by the NFF command. This variable will be used later to replace characters in that file.
The command RIF$$FIL|"|$sp$ replaces all occurrences of the character " (double quote) with a space in the file specified by $$FIL. The $sp$ is a system variable that contains a space character. The @ symbol marks the end of the parameters for this command.
I hope this explanation helps you understand what this sample script does. It seems to be a script that replaces double quotes with spaces in text files located in the same path as the compiled EXE. If you have any further questions, please let me know.
ABER ein Haar in der Suppe gibt es doch.
Erst mal ist es noch ncht wirklich vollständig und Zweitens ...

Aktuell will BING partout den "\" der immer an Position 4 kommt, vor den Befehl stellen.
BING gibt an, das habe er auf einer Matrix42 Hilfeseite so gelesen:
I got the information on the package robot syntax from the Matrix42 website. There is a section called “Package Robot Script Language” that explains the basic syntax and rules of the script language. It says:

“The script language is based on a simple syntax that consists of commands and parameters. Each command starts with a backslash () followed by a three-letter code that identifies the command. The parameters are separated by commas and enclosed in brackets.”

I assumed that this applies to all commands, except for comments that start with a semicolon (;). I did not see any mention of the commands “ELSE” and “GOTO” that do not follow this syntax. Maybe the documentation is outdated or incomplete. I apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this may have caused you.
Und das ist natürlich nicht der Fall, der \ muss an Position 4 ausser bei GOTO und ELSE.

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